All patient healthcare information is protected by law and is confidential. Therefore, medical records cannot be released to any person without the authorization of the patient or the patient’s legally authorized representative (unless authorized by law).
A patient’s family member (parent/legal guardian) may request copies of medical records if a patient is a minor or incapacitated. Parent/Guardian must have the written permission of the patient to release copies of the record, or have the patient’s power of attorney. The name of the family member must be documented on the request.
The protection and privacy of your health information are a top priority for us. At times you may need to access or obtain your medical records for personal needs, continuation of care, or other reasons. As a patient, if you are subscribed to a membership, you can access your medical record online through PortalConnect or by submitting a request directly to us.
If you have any issues accessing your PortalConnect account, you can contact us directly at 1-866-779-1526 or by emailing info@portalconnect.net for assistance.
Patients with access to PortalConnect can access this section through a desktop computer by visiting https://portalconnect.net/ or by using the PortalConnect mobile app available in the Apple and Play Store.
Once logged in, select the “Health Record” tab across the screen. From here please follow these steps: